heal and evolve. 

Nina Mandair


Meet Nina Mandair. She was on a mission to heal herself and her patterns in love, and now she's on a mission to help you. With the belief that we can create the life that we want, she will cheerlead you through your journey.

As a certified Sex, Love & Relationship Coach with a Masters degree in Psychology, it's fair to say Human Behaviour is her jam. ​

Nina's purpose and passion is helping women heal their trauma by working with the conscious and subconscious mind along with gentle somatic work, as the body truly does keep the score.

Nina purely and simply wants to see you win. YOLO MF!

Nina resides in South West London but is an avid explorer and won't stay put in one place for long, hence creating her dream business of running worldwide retreats where she has brought together her passion for helping women heal, having a shit load of fun and travel in sisterhood.

In her spare time, you'll find Nina scuba diving, hiking, and never getting bored of sunsets!

Queen of straight talk, serial F-bomb dropper and challenger of the status quo. Nina welcomes you to one of her life-changing retreats.

You are so welcome here, Queen x


"Nina's a first-class guide... She's been on the journey and lives what she teaches. She's real and sincere and genuinely wants to see other women through their journey. Her authenticity really shone through, and knowing that she'd been through the same struggles gave her words a valuable gravitas."

- Lizzy, Retreat Queen


"Yes, Nina’s retreat will require that you dive into some sensitive experiences, but she’ll be there to help cushion the blow with wise words or, my personal preference, a dance break. She is such a natural at guiding and communicating with everyone, especially as we're all at different stages of healing."

- Amanda, retreat Queen

"It was immense. I have no words. It was so emotional. I’ve left here feeling like I got what I came for, and Nina has given me the tools to continue my healing journey and progress moving forward. I’m already annoying her for the next retreat."

- Tammy, Retreat Queen

"I’ve tried something like this before, but it was slightly different because Nina is so special. She understands what she is teaching. Her energy is really beautiful, feminine and nurturing, and she has so much to offer. It's really empowering, and Nina is really the right person to do this with."

- Tina, Coaching Queen

"Thank you Nina, for thinking of everything to make the weekend so perfect. Thank you for helping me to own my story and love myself. See you at the next retreat!"

- Lizzy, Retreat Queen

"This is my first ever retreat, and I’ve come out of it knowing there are some areas I need to work on, but I feel so empowered. I feel like Nina reached in and got to my heart."

- Sophie, Retreat Queen

"Nina helped me to connect with my past and things that have hurt me, and now I feel like I can grow and become a better person from learning this. She was compassionate to all of us and understood that it was a lot to take in. I loved the sisterhood, being surrounded by other women being vulnerable at the same time."

- Mandy, Retreat Queen

"Nina's a great host. She brought out many emotions for me and the group, but it’s been the best experience I’ve ever had, and I would recommend this to anybody. I would 100% be coming back again. Thank you, Nina, for the best weekend. "

- Katie, Retreat Queen

“Nina really cares, you can feel it. The coaching doesn’t end at the retreat. She understands that it’s heavy work, and you feel so supported even after the weekend is over. Not only that, but her attitude helps foster that between the other women, and now you’ve built an empowering sisterhood. “

- Amanda, Coaching Queen

now enrolling

the love reset

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SEPTEMBER 13 - 15 2024

"Nina's a first-class guide... She's been on the journey and lives what she teaches. She's real and sincere and genuinely wants to see other women through their journey. Her authenticity really shone through, and knowing that she'd been through the same struggles gave her words a valuable gravitas."

- Lizzy, Retreat Queen


"Yes, Nina’s retreat will require that you dive into some sensitive experiences, but she’ll be there to help cushion the blow with wise words or, my personal preference, a dance break. She is such a natural at guiding and communicating with everyone, especially as we're all at different stages of healing."

- Amanda, retreat Queen

"It was immense. I have no words. It was so emotional. I’ve left here feeling like I got what I came for, and Nina has given me the tools to continue my healing journey and progress moving forward. I’m already annoying her for the next retreat."

- Tammy, Retreat Queen

"I’ve tried something like this before, but it was slightly different because Nina is so special. She understands what she is teaching. Her energy is really beautiful, feminine and nurturing, and she has so much to offer. It's really empowering, and Nina is really the right person to do this with."

- Tina, Coaching Queen

"Thank you Nina, for thinking of everything to make the weekend so perfect. Thank you for helping me to own my story and love myself. See you at the next retreat!"

- Lizzy, Retreat Queen

"This is my first ever retreat, and I’ve come out of it knowing there are some areas I need to work on, but I feel so empowered. I feel like Nina reached in and got to my heart."

- Sophie, Retreat Queen

"Nina helped me to connect with my past and things that have hurt me, and now I feel like I can grow and become a better person from learning this. She was compassionate to all of us and understood that it was a lot to take in. I loved the sisterhood, being surrounded by other women being vulnerable at the same time."

- Mandy, Retreat Queen

"Nina's a great host. She brought out many emotions for me and the group, but it’s been the best experience I’ve ever had, and I would recommend this to anybody. I would 100% be coming back again. Thank you, Nina, for the best weekend. "

- Katie, Retreat Queen

“Nina really cares, you can feel it. The coaching doesn’t end at the retreat. She understands that it’s heavy work, and you feel so supported even after the weekend is over. Not only that, but her attitude helps foster that between the other women, and now you’ve built an empowering sisterhood. “

- Amanda, Coaching Queen

The retreat package 

Enrolling Now 

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